
URBAN JUNGLE BLOGGERS | Greenery on the balcony

Spring is struggling a bit this year with this unpredictable weather and cool nights but my plants are actually enjoying this humid, warmish situation a lot. I managed to bring them all outside at the beginning of March and I couldn't resist to add some new entries to the collection. 
I have to confess it is quite hard for me to have only a small balcony here in Barcelona because I was used to a lot of space in Italy, like a whole nursery and several glasshouses where to make experiments...Sigh! Some of the plants you see here actually come from Italy: I always try to bring one back with me when I go there for work. 

The first picture shows one of the plants I most fond of: it is a Fockea, a Caudiciform plant that my father gave me some years ago. My dad passed away not a long time ago so it is a very dear memory of him and his great passion for these plants ( the small two-leaved-one in the Playtype mug was also part of his collection).

Another great passion of mine are Platycerium but they are hard to keep alive: either they find the perfect micro-climate or they die fast, leaving me furious.  And eventually our last acquisition: a Moscatel vine we bought here in Barcelona. Vines are great for balconies because they grow abundantly and can transform a small space very quickly. The idea is to create a square structure at the top to train in into an umbrella shape - getting too technical, amn't I?

I grew up among plants and "plantsmen" and probably for this reason I have such a strong emotional bond to these green creatures and I struggle to stop talking about today!
Could this be my longest post ever?!  Urban Jungle Bloggers, hope you enjoyed it!

| Props | Playtype mugs | Ikea Glasshouse | Custom-made pots from Italy |

Thanks again to Igor from Happy Interior Blog and Judith from!


  1. Elena. I love this post. Congratulations!!!

  2. Perfection Elena! And it's so cool that we both have the same greenhouse :-) thank you for joining us again & hug from Paris!

    1. Hello Boss! ; )

      Too kind of you: this far from perfection! I saw we have the same little greenhouse and I love how it fits perfectly in in both our homes. Enjoy the always very beautiful Paris. Talk soon!

  3. bellissimo … e nero ;-) io non sono riuscita a fare delle foto degne delle finestre (quando verrai … perché verrai un giorno … le vedrai e capirai ;-) un abbraccio

    1. Te l'avevo detto io che non ho il solo il bianco! ; ) Verremo di sicuro Ilaria! : ): ): )

  4. This comment has been removed by the author.

  5. Love this balcony Elena, is dreamy!!! i dont have none and garden. Love all your greenery. Hug.

    1. Thanks Carol so much! Hug back to you, from here to there! : )

  6. Beautiful! Love your view!
    I'm finding it difficult too.. the move from France (with a huge garden) to an apartment in Scotland with
    no outside space at all.. At least we've got lots of plants inside like you!

    1. Oh hit a very sensitive spot Hege: I miss Scotland so much you cannot imagine, even the weather sometimes! LOL I know, sounds crazy but there is no sky like the Scottish one. And the hills and fields...ohh! But I have to admit this pretty blue, hot one in Barcelona is not so bad after all! ; ) A huge hug from here!

  7. Elena è ADORABILE tutto quello che vedo! Le tue atmosfere sono magiche!

  8. Thank you so much for letting us enjoy a bit of your amazing Barcelona window view, Elena! Those facades are very pretty and your neighbors even have some matching greens on their balcony! Not to mention the beautiful vine and ferns on yours! Looking forward to seeing your green umbrella in a few months. I think the plants from your father are my favorite, it's so precious to have a plant from someone so important in your life! Also love it when you keep talking about your greens, that's what happens when you're passionate ;) Muchas gracias! xx
