
URBAN JUNGLE BLOGGERS | My green workspace

Here we are with the September issue of the Urban Jungle Bloggers's Back to Work. This month's theme couldn't fit better the atmosphere of my studio that, after the holidays, has been transformed into a real jungle. I really felt an urge for green tones and luxurious plants next to me recently so, before coming back home from the seaside, we stopped at a local nurseries and did some shopping. Placing green plants in interiors, especially in a workplace, is extremely important for the relaxing effects greenery has on our mind and brain.

Monstera deliciosa is always a great choice and I was very happy to find a small specimen that could fit our flat: the idea is to let it grow a bit more and later place a grid where it can climb through. We bought also a Rhipsalis paradoxa, an epiphyte cacti, that has been placed on the String Pocket. An epiphyte is a plant that grows non-parasitically upon another plant,such as a tree, and derives its moisture and nutrients from the air, rain etc. Therefore, they can be a bit tricky when grown on soil, like orchids. And last but not least, an Asparagus, one of my all-time favourite for its airy look and woodland memories.

All images © facing north with gracia


  1. Next time I must come and visit you in your home in Barcelona, Elena. I love it:-) Thank you for joining us again!!

    1. Sure Igor! We should really do it and a visit to Hivernacle as well! ;)
      And a paella or homemade lasagne, whatever you prefer. :)

  2. Es preciosos e ideal, además de confortable.

  3. It looks so great! Such a lovely place to get some work done.
    x Johanne

    1. Thank you so much fro stopping by Johanne: happy you liked it!

  4. nice place with nice plants :)

  5. Siempre he pensado que a un espacio minimalista en el que domina el blanco y el negro, el toque de color que mejor le va es el del verde de una bonita planta. Y qué mejor muestra que estas fotos!!!
    …Y cambiando de tema, qué envidia ver que sabes tanto de plantas!!!

    1. No puedo que estar de acuerdo contigo! : ) : ) Y por lo de las plantas, vivo y trabajo con estas asì toca! ;)

  6. Love how you've arranged your work space. I never knew the asparagus plant is so pretty!

    1. Thank you a lot! It beong to same family of the asparagus we eat but this is just ornamental. :)

  7. Stunning Helena! I totally agree, a real workplace needs some plants! I have to test with different bigger plants to find a big one that my cats won't eat ;) I think asparagus sounds too delicious hihi. Ilaria was lucky to stay in such a beautiful green jungle (even though I think she didn't sleep in your home office ;) ). Thank you for being part of our green family <3

  8. Hmm strange, my comment disappeared... Anyway what I was telling was that I think your home office looks stunning, Elena! I totally agree that a real workplace needs some real plants. I need to test some bigger plants on my desk, that my cats won't eat. Because they love my palm tree and your asparagus sounds too delicious too ;) I'm a little bit jealous of Ilaria, she stayed in such a pretty urban jungle in Barcelona, I would even sleep in your home office haha! Thanks for being part of our green family, Eleni!

  9. It really looks wonderful Elena... a great place to work! Have a wonderful weekend :-)

  10. I have the same plant and i love it with her hair on the eyes ;)

  11. Lovely plants and such a calm workspace. The green plants fit in perfectly.
